Brand new (like, just-had-a-kid new) mom here. Life seems manageable with the baby sleeping much of the time. It gets worse from here doesn’t it? I’m scared 😱😱😱

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It gets better, then worse, then better, then worse, then finally better... then they leave. The terror and demands on your time evolve and you become, you realize one day, a battle-hardened grown-up who can deal with pretty much anything. Congratulations and welcome to motherhood :)


Thank you for this! Motherhood has been quite the learning experience for sure!

No! It gets so much better!! Congrats!!


OMG I needed to hear this!!! Thank you thank you!!


From my experience with three kids it gets somewhat better by baby’s age of 5-6 months. Basically you just adjust to whatever schedule they have. Then it gets substantially better by the age of 12-18 months, sometimes before that. By that time most moms stop breastfeeding, babies eat somewhat normal food, sleep more, cry less, so life becomes more manageable. For now, try to get some sleep whenever possible.


Also, I know that what helped me to stay sane is I let kids sleep in my bed until each was around 18-24 months. I know many people don’t approve of that thinking that kids should sleep in their own beds or even separate rooms. That may be right but I wouldn’t be able to wake up four or more times each night and feed the baby. I’d die right there. But what worked for me might not work for others. I can only say that all three of them started sleeping separately by the age of 24-36 months without problems (might have tried that before that age but didn’t want to).


My LO is 4 months now and it is SO much better now than the newborn phase. Things turned around for us around 3 months (the end of the 4th trimester). Hang in there!! I am a new mama like you, but I’m sure it will get better.


I’m going back to work in two weeks. Nervous but so excited. Not a SAHM material though I love my LO to death.

There are so many who have done it and survived and thrived, you are absolutely capable of same.


Thank you for the encouragement!

Some days are awful. Some are ok. Mostly you figure it out. My three now have the ability to play outside alone for good stretches of time and I can get work done. You got this.


Thank you for the support! And wow, you are a superhero 🦸‍♀️!!

It definitely gets better!! Going back to work is rough but in terms of sleep and routine and figuring out what works for you- it all gets better with time!


Thank you, I feel much less intimated now! 💪🏼 So happy to see this many working moms out there!


No, it gets SO. MUCH. EASIER. As they get older, they rely on you for less. But don’t wish for that! It goes so fast! My 11-year-old looked at me like, “what are YOU doing in here?” when I knocked on his bedroom door and interrupted his texting with friends. And my 2-year-old yelled, “NO THANK YOU!” when I asked if he would snuggle with me. At least he said thank you?


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